- PhD.: Computer Network Infrastructure, Advanced Internet Computing, Internet Information Retrieval.
- MSc.: Artificial Neural Networks, Feature Extraction, Fuzzy Logics, Decision Trees, Genetic Algorithms, Case-Based Reasoning, Reinforcement Learning, Clustering, Stereo Vision, Image Understanding.
Bachelor'e degree
- Computer Science: C Programming Language, 8086 Assembly Language, Data Structure in C programming language, Operating System, Relational Database Management System, Software Engineering.
- Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Analytic Geometry of Space, Ordinary Differential Equation, Partial Differential Equation, Numerical Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Operational Research, Probability Theory and Statistics, Quantiative Econometrics, Mathematical Modeling.
Data Mining
- Course instructuor: Prof. Qiang Yang
- Date and Student: Semester 2, 2007, Master graduate student year 2.
- Location: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST.
Logic programming in Prolog language
- Course instructuor: Prof. Simon C.K. Shiu
- Date and Student: Semester 1, 2005, Undergraduate year 3.
- Location: Department of Computing, HKPU.
Mathematical Analysis
- Course instructuor: Prof. Fa-Zeng Liu
- Date and Student: Semester 2, 2002, Undergraduate year 3.
- Location: College of Mathematics and Information Science, HBU.
Pattern Recognition
Image Understanding, Data Mining, Artificial Neural Networks, Feature Extraction, Fuzzy Logics, Decision Trees, Genetic Algorithms, Case-Based Reasoning, Reinforcement Learning, Clustering.
Mathematical Modeling and OptimizationFinite Element Modeling from 2D and 3D X-ray and MRI Biomedical images, Computer Simulation.
Computer Programming LanguagesC, Java, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, HiveQL, Python, Matlab, Perl, Prolog, R
Computer Programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE)Eclipse, NetBeans, PyCharm, Microsoft Visual Studio, Matlab Comsol Multiphysics, Android Studio, Dreamweaver
Computer Programing Frameworks and LibrariesJava Spring Boot, Python Django, Ambari, Spark, Hadoop, JQuery, OpenCV, Point Cloud Library (PCL), OpenGL, CUDA, Tensorflow.
ChIP-seq data analysis, DNA binding motif enrichement analysis Single cell transcriptome analysis (SmartSeq2, 10X genomics) Bulk sample cDNA microArray and RNA-seq transcriptome analysis microRNA, lncRNA, protein-protein interaction network analysis Pathway and Gene Regulatory Network analysis
Last updated April 2019